
Wednesday, October 13, 2010


After reading countless BBBs – business boring books - I feel that everything has already been said by someone somewhere. However, if everyone has already heard all the pearls of success, why aren’t we all successful? 

If all those BBBs make total sense, why aren’t we implementing the strategies and tactics to make ourselves or our brand popular or should I say profitable?

As a summary of my marketing studies, I have identified the 7 powers any wannabe marketer, brand manager, CMO, CEO or facebook junkie should develop to break through the noise of media in the 21st century and create a brand or name for themselves. 


– The power of listening to your clients, company and competitors.

– The power of creating an iconic brand.

– The power of influencing people and storytelling.

– The power of motivating others.

– The power of mapping your way to success.

– The power of doing.

– The power of others.

Understanding and mastering these 7 MARKETING POWERS can be more efficient than an MBA degree, and this is coming from someone who chose that diploma on the wall over a Ferrari in the garage. Trust me, I still dream about cruising in that red convertible.

Monday, July 12, 2010

World Cup Marketing War

In a world where a sense of national pride is suppressed by globalization, the World Cup is the last frontier for a fair global battlefield! After watching every game, including the disappointing Brazil vs. Holland match, I have decided to express my digital point of view about the most simultaneously shared human experience on the planet, the South African World Cup 2010.

Estimates are that 700 Million people watched the final match between “La Furia Roja” and the not so “Clockwork Orange.” Such a massive viewing might explain why we now see national heros and football (soccer) personalities making silly fashion statements – i.e., Maradona’s 2 Hublot watches and players like Davi Villa with more hair gel than Vanila Ice - all in search of mass audience popularity and following.

Speaking of the search for popularity, two power-house brands faced off in a head to head battle, on Facebook, for the “World Followers Cup.” Adidas, the main event sponsor since 1970, set a campaign focused on fan-based match predictions, while Nike created a 10 min advertising viral video showcasing elite international players. 

After the whistle was blown in Johannesburg, the Facebook scoreboard showed Adidas 1,349,560 fans vs. Nike 1,340,220 fans. 

In the battle for fans, Adidas created so much buzz around the official ball, the Jabulani, made by Adidas, that nobody stopped to note that the only players complaining were the Nike sponsored athletes.

So in a billion dollar industry, how could a brand win at the World Cup? According to the social network numbers, Adidas not only picked the winning team, but also the ball and took the entire event.

With that in mind, should we bet your hard-earned money on the teams sponsored by the brand that spends the largest amount of money? I hope that, for the sake of Brazilians, Nike decides to spend all its American dollars in 2014…

PS: Despite the billions of dollars spent on the World Cup Marketing War, in my opinion the video below was the best example of the World Cup spirit. Enjoy!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Facebook = Social Heaven OR Career Suicide

After seeing one of the most successful young executives in my network inform the world via a FB wall update that he was parting ways with current (now ex) employer, I decided to help my other friends avoid a similar potential social networking/career suicide.

Aside from my own personal views on privacy let’s get down to some cold hard facts:

  1. Under human-rights legislation, employees DO NOT have the right to confidential use the Internet and e-mail facilities at work. So unless you want the geek in the IT department knowing about your weekend escapades don’t FB at work.
  2. Given Google, Yahoo, MySpace, Twitter and other caches, there is a 99.9% danger that anything you put online will never truly die... so don’t post something today that you might regret tomorrow.
  3. One of Facebook’s competitive advantages is its OPEN source code, which in plain English means OPEN doors for applications and developers to get access to personal data, user profiles and other personal information that can now be searchable through Google and Bing. Consequently, your private information is not that private anymore.

Now, I bet you are all scared and questions regarding your privacy at work are overloading your brain’s hard drive. Thus, I went ahead and researched more facts about your relationship with your employer regarding your social network privacy. 

Here is a little Q&A for you:

Can my boss stop me from using Facebook or discipline me for using social networking sites during work time?
The answer is YES.

Can my boss tell me to close my personal Facebook account?
If you are behaving in a way that might be detrimental to the company’s brand image – (s)he surely can.

Can my employer monitor what I’m writing on Facebook while I’m at work?
Absolutely (see fact #1 above)!

Can an employer refuse to hire me because of my Facebook profile?
Legally no…but how you are going to prove that (s)he is or is not basing the decision upon information they sourced from your profile?

How should my employer approach issues of personal conduct on social networks?
Improper posting/ language can count as gross misconduct, and even justify dismissal.

Should I accept a Facebook friend request from my boss?
This is a $1 Million Dollar question that I will let you decide based on your relationship.

So how does this tie into personal branding strategy online?

I love FB - I think is a great tool to connect with friends- but I want you to open your mind to the fact that YOU have a professional BRAND and you should treat Facebook and any other social network tools as if they were the front page of The New York Times. Now ask yourself; if you were Coca-Cola, what kind of information would you post on the front page of a newspaper?

P.S.- After scaring you away from posting last weekend’s party pics… check this funny video below…hope you enjoy it…LOL

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to turn SPAM into Positive ROI

Some call it newsletters, e-mail marketing, direct online marketing, but we all know it as SPAM, the necessary evil for every wannabe 21st century marketer. So for those of us wanting to get clients to read mass emails, here are 10 tips to transform that SPAM into a positive ROI marketing tool:

1- DON’T TRY to mass communicate via your personal email client (outlook, hotmail, gmail, etc.), not even if you are sending to a small list. For technical (IT) reasons this just won’t work! Instead, hire an E-mail marketing firm (ConstantContact, iContact, MailChimp, etc.), which is the only way your emails will hit inboxes.

2- Grow your list organically! Ask for emails at every brand touch-point. Collect emails by adding a “join our mailing” button on every page of your website and on your Facebook, MySpace and Twitter pages, plus guest books on physical touch-points also help.

3- Focus on repeat customers! Focus your attention on building a premium list of high frequency customers. People who bought from you are more likely to buy again and
read your spam!

4- Include an UNSUBSCRIBE button on every communication. You don’t want irrelevant names on your list that will drive up your cost of conversion; the name of the game here is "Less is More!"

5- Add a “JOIN OUR LIST” and a “FORWARD TO A FRIEND” buttons on all your on-line communications, including your corporate emails.

6- Create a SING-UP page or widget, make the process as simple as possible – request only necessary information. Most relevant data-mining and segmentation can be done with name, age, sex, zip code. Don’t forget to set up a nice auto-response welcome letter. I strongly suggest you attach a discount coupon to the welcome letter if you are in the retail/service industry.

7- Several email clients and Smartphones restrict images (blocked content). Therefore, aside from having a plain text version of your email make sure to include in the e-mail’s html code a brief description of the art/image you are attaching in your communication, i.e. product name & price.

8- What is the best time to send mass e-mail? According to several Internet researches, the best open rates can be achieved if communication is send mid-week (Tuesday-Thursday) around lunchtime. Given the different US time zones, try 10am-3pm.

9- Subject Lines will 
make or break your campaign! To avoid being picked up by spam filters, don’t use more than 30-40 characters or 5-8 words, NO CAPS, no spelling errors, avoid the words “free” and “guaranteed” at all costs, and never include $, %, !!! or ? signs.

10- Given that is harder to read text on a monitor than off a magazine page, the content of your e-mail marketing communication needs to be on average 50% less than its printed version. Article summaries with a “read more” link can do wonders for your click-through-rates (CTR).

Hope this helps, and feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Berry Vs. Apple

I finally managed to write another blog entry!
Recently, I moved from a Crackberry (a really addictive device) to an Iphone 3GS. Now I am back to a Blackberry Storm 2, a hybrid of a berry and an apple. After reading countless blogs and watching mind numbing Youtube videos comparing the different phones, I decided to contribute with my own perspective as a social network marketer.
As I run several social media marketing programs in my daily routine, I was looking for a phone that would let me Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Youtube simultaneously and on-the-go! I found that for web browsing, there is nothing better than the Iphone. The Iphone’s multi-touch capabilities including “pinch-&-zoom” anything from a webpage to a photo makes a huge difference. Now if your drug of choice is a crackberry, you can enhance your browsing experience by downloading the Opera Mini 5 (beta) mobile browser at www.opera.com.
However, there is more to Social Networking on-the-go than web browsing, there is E-MAILING! Considering that you can store literally thousands of emails on the Blackberry as opposed to only 200 on the Iphone, if you need to find that 2 month old email from your CEO- the RIM technology will save your job.
As for screen definition, the Iphone beats any Blackberry. As for a camera picture quality, the flash feature of the blackberry allows you to take pictures at night and post them to you FB, Flicker, MySpace and alikes.
Given that APPS for all the major social networking sites are available on both platforms, like for like, I prefer my crackberry. Just personal/e-mailing preference! Let me know what you prefer?
PS- If you have the time check out the comparing videos bellow.