I finally managed to write another blog entry!
Recently, I moved from a Crackberry (a really addictive device) to an Iphone 3GS. Now I am back to a Blackberry Storm 2, a hybrid of a berry and an apple. After reading countless blogs and watching mind numbing Youtube videos comparing the different phones, I decided to contribute with my own perspective as a social network marketer.
As I run several social media marketing programs in my daily routine, I was looking for a phone that would let me Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Youtube simultaneously and on-the-go! I found that for web browsing, there is nothing better than the Iphone. The Iphone’s multi-touch capabilities including “pinch-&-zoom” anything from a webpage to a photo makes a huge difference. Now if your drug of choice is a crackberry, you can enhance your browsing experience by downloading the Opera Mini 5 (beta) mobile browser at www.opera.com.
However, there is more to Social Networking on-the-go than web browsing, there is E-MAILING! Considering that you can store literally thousands of emails on the Blackberry as opposed to only 200 on the Iphone, if you need to find that 2 month old email from your CEO- the RIM technology will save your job.
As for screen definition, the Iphone beats any Blackberry. As for a camera picture quality, the flash feature of the blackberry allows you to take pictures at night and post them to you FB, Flicker, MySpace and alikes.
Given that APPS for all the major social networking sites are available on both platforms, like for like, I prefer my crackberry. Just personal/e-mailing preference! Let me know what you prefer?
PS- If you have the time check out the comparing videos bellow.