According to family members Michael Jackson passed away at 1:07 pm PST. According to my research fans of the moon walker pop star started Tweeting about his death as early as 1:25 PST and Facebooking at 2:01 PST. Counter intuitively, The New York Times only confirmed his way to Never Never Land at 3:41 followed by MTV at 4:01 and CNN at 4:31.
In a time frame of less than 3 hours the search on Google “Michael Jackson Dead” resumed more than 33,000 results...WOW.
Is the Internet finally empowering each one of us with “real time” information? Is Ted Turner’s empire slower than Joe the “Twitter geek” from Boise, Idaho?
How does this translates into e-branding?
Well, that makes me think that in the Internet era any corporate mischievous marketing move or insider C-level information can leak faster than you could say “Beep-Beep!”
So for marketers out there I suggest the Youtube test:
If you wouldn’t broadcast your marketing strategy on Youtube then maybe you shouldn't do so at all!

WOW those facts about the response to Michael Jackson's death are really impressive. It's crazy to think that information can spread so fast nowadays. I can't even fathom how someone could have tweeted about it only 18 minutes after it happened. That's probably sooner than some of his family members even knew. There have even been reports that the star's death caused the Internet to slow down and websites such as Twitter crashed after 66, 500 tweets were posted regarding the event. Google even came down as the millions of people who searched for Michael Jackson were just greeted with error pages. I agree that these sort of statistics have great influences on various departments of business. It makes me question whether sharing any sort of secretive strategies on any Internet website, even private and secure ones.